Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 12: Effortless view, Hidden hot pot


  1. seems like you are having lots of fun. When are you back in Reykjavik?

    i'll be in town for one day on the 19th.

    Gummi Kjaernested

  2. A real Gummi posting! nice! you guys are legit!
    what's a natural Hot Pot? Like shabu-shabu where you can cook food? hopefully that's not what Austin's swimming in (in the butt shot), but I wouldn't be surprised if he was lapping up the broth after what must have been an extremely dehydrating drive...

  3. I also like the real Gummi post.. Jon is one Gummi better than the other..
    Well guys, we have Nana and Tina with us and it is really really great, hope all is great with you and you are having an amazing time, enjoy and we will see you for a few precious hours on the 26th... Austin
