Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 4: Saurbaer to Hrossholt

Our plan to get up early to avoid the strongest winds worked like a charm today. We had a productive morning that ended with a well deserved stop at the Borgarnes pool/"hot pot"/sports complex. For four dollars, you got a locker (in fact, a pre dip shower is required at all pools here - at least we shower once a day), an Olympic sized swimming pool, hot tubs at 37, 39, and 42 degrees C (42=107.6), three water slides, and even a 6" wading pool in which people just lay on their back without worry of their heads going under. Steph fell asleep in the 6" pool - she used to lifeguard!

Biking after our break was harder, as we were so settled into relax mode and the wind picked up. Some increasingly beautiful landscapes kept us going, including the second largest glacier in Europe (see pic! Although, by our calculations, it's technically on the American plate).

At the grocery store, it only took a couple of seemingly innocent questions for a grocer to figure out that we didn't have a clue. He took us around the store, pointing out Icelandic favorites, his favorites, and some gluten free treats. One of his suggestions was "honkey cut" (or so it sounded - some type of smoked meat) with some pita like bread and real Icelandic butter. It was pretty good, but not a new favorite - we learned our lesson about taking recommendations from people who eat putrified shark and singed sheep's head.

We took so many great shots with our camera today, but remembered to take a couple with the phones to share.


  1. Okay - remember to take food photos for the foodies back home. I am now obsessed with figuring out that honkey cut! What desserts are popular? I know you want eat them - but snap a few shots for me!
    Love and miss you both bunches! Sara

  2. That cracked me up! I love singed sheep's head - but I'd NEVER touch putrified shark!
    Love, Carrie

  3. You're getting into the groove! bike a little, chill ( well... sweat!) in a pool, pick up some gross food, bike into the wind and rain, and find a beautiful spot pitch your tent ...the last seems pretty easy to accomplish.
    How are those quads?

  4. Wait. Wait. Wait. (I thought) Steph told me that you two were going to HIKE this one the whole way. You get bikes, daily showers, dips in kiddie pools, AND obscure meat products!? Cheaters.

    Can't wait to hear an oral/aural retelling when you get home!!
